96231 Bad Staffelstein, Germany
The energy generation of the future lies in photovoltaics - electricity from sunlight. That is our mission. We create energy self-sufficiency and zero emissions through easy access to the sun's infinite energy - for a world worth living in. IBC SOLAR AG offers complete systems and covers the entire spectrum from planning to turnkey handover of photovoltaic systems.
Join our team and shape the energy transition with us.
Your tasks
Maintenance and optimization of existing BI data architecture, ETL processes as well as Power BI data models and reports
Design and development of additional data pipelines to feed, clean, transform and integrate data from various sources into the data warehouse
Monitoring data quality, accuracy and completeness to ensure that reports and analyses in areas such as sales, marketing and finance are reliable and trustworthy
Ensuring that the data infrastructure is scalable, secure and reliable and enables...