Garching, Munich, Germany
Within the DFG Priority Program “Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning” the research unit "Applied and Numerical Analysis " at the Technical University of Munich, Department of Mathematics, invites applications for 1 research position as a
Doctoral Researcher (pay scale 75% TVL E13, 3-4 years) or
Postdoctoral Researcher (pay scale 100% TVL E13, 2 years),
starting January 15, 2025 or later.
Ideal candidates have
a master's degree / doctoral degree in mathematics: candidates with degrees in other disciplines (computer science, engineering, statistics etc.) will not be considered,
a strong background in at least two of the following fields: machine learning, optimization, optimal control, nonlinear PDE, variational calculus, numerical analysis and algorithms,
some experience in numerical programming with Python, C/C++, Matlab or similar environments,
good command of the English language (knowledge of German is not...