Find and advertise jobs for mathematicians on In collaboration with the German and European Mathematical Societies.

Full time Garching, Munich, Germany
Within the DFG Priority Program “Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning” the research unit "Applied and Numerical Analysis " at the Technical University of Munich, Department of Mathematics, invites applications for 1 research position as a Doctoral Researcher (pay scale 75% TVL E13, 3-4 years) or Postdoctoral Researcher (pay scale 100% TVL E13, 2 years), starting January 15, 2025 or later. Ideal candidates have a master's degree / doctoral degree in mathematics: candidates with degrees in other disciplines (computer science, engineering, statistics etc.) will not be considered, a strong background in at least two of the following fields: machine learning, optimization, optimal control, nonlinear PDE, variational calculus, numerical analysis and algorithms, some experience in numerical programming with Python, C/C++, Matlab or similar environments, good command of the English language (knowledge of German is not...