MADSACK is a strong and broad-based association. Our core is journalism. But we do a lot more. Our brands reach millions of people every day. We are rooted locally and are the personal contact for our readers and customers.
We know our craft and are constantly improving it. That is why we offer our partners unique industry solutions. We promote start-ups with a wealth of ideas and entrepreneurial spirit. We are building sustainable digital brands with which we can open up new markets and new target groups.
Founded in 1893 as the company "Hannoverscher Anzeiger A. Madsack & Co.", the publishing house has continuously developed into today's supraregional media group with around 4,000 employees. The association is successfully involved in the digital sector and in film and television production. Our postal service providers reliably transport letters and parcels from companies, institutions and private customers. In addition, our full-service agencies and corporate publishing service providers offer individual communication solutions for the B2C and B2B area.