The SKS Group – consisting of SKS Unternehmensberatung GmbH & Co. KG with a foreign subsidiary in Austria, SKS Solutions GmbH in Potsdam, SKS Data Vision GmbH in Hochheim, interexa GmbH in Mainz, iBS – Innovative Banking Solutions AG in Wiesbaden and of b2tec Software GmbH in Bad Vilbel (majority stake) - today employs over 500 permanent employees. Within the group, we have a high level of professional and technical expertise in the banking environment, especially in the areas of external reporting and banking supervisory law, risk management, bank and corporate management, IT governance, risk & compliance, compliance consulting operations, process management and SAP banking. In addition, we offer self-developed individual software solutions that we implement, operated and further developed. You can find more information at: https://www.b2tec. com/