Audible GmbH

Audi­ble GmbH, an Ama­zon com­pany, is the lea­ding pro­vi­der of pre­mium digi­tal spo­ken audio infor­ma­tion and enter­tain­ment on the inter­net, offe­ring cust­o­m­ers a new way to enhance and enrich their lives every day. Audi­ble’s con­tent offe­ring com­pri­ses more than 200,000 audio­books and audio plays from 800 publis­hers. Tit­les down­loa­ded from Audi­ble are com­pa­ti­ble with hund­reds of mobile devices, inclu­ding the iPhone and Android smart­pho­nes. Audi­ble is also the pree­mi­nent pro­vi­der of spo­ken-word audio pro­ducts for Apple’s iTu­nes® Store.