NETZSCH Group The NETZSCH Group consists of three Business Units under the umbrella of the Erich NETZSCH GmbH & Co. Holding KG. The Erich NETZSCH Holding is an active holding company providing its operatively independent business units with a functional framework as well as an optimum administrative environment while supporting the efficiencies of the individual business units and the synergies among them in all areas of activity. The Erich NETZSCH Holding holds the objective of ensuring that the value of the NETZSCH Group as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We see it as our task to identify and take advantage of the opportunities arising within the Group and to keep any inherent risks within reasonable limits. The management team of the ENH is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of group strategy. Business Units The three Business Units – Analyzing & Testing, Grinding & Dispersing and Pumps & Systems – provide tailored solutions for highest-level needs. Over 3400 employees at 210 sales and production centers in 35 countries across the globe guarantee that expert service is never far from our customers.