The Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) examines fundamental social issues. Development tendencies, adjustment problems and innovation opportunities of modern societies are researched. The research is theory-led, practice-oriented, often long-term and mostly internationally comparative. The WZB works on these thematic priorities: - Dynamics of social inequalities - Market and decision-making - Society and economic dynamics - International politics and law - Change in political systems - Migration and diversity - Political economy of development More than 200 scientists from various disciplines work at the WZB together, above all from sociology, political science, economics, of law and psychology. They are supported by almost 150 employees in the infrastructure teams (administration, IT, scientific information, communication) and 115 student assistants. The results of WZB research are aimed at a scientific public, as well as experts and interested practitioners in politics, business, the media and society. As a non-university research institute, the WZB is a member of the Leibniz Association. The WZB cooperates closely with the Berlin universities. The leading scientists at the WZB usually hold a special professorship at one of the universities. The WZB was founded in 1969 on the initiative of members of the Bundestag from the CDU/CSU and the SPD. The WZB is a non-profit limited company. The sponsors are the federal government (75 percent) and the state of Berlin (25 percent). The WZB is a member of Berlin Research 50 (BR50), the alliance of Berlin's non-university research institutes