West German Lottery GmbH & Co. OHG

6 right ones for your career - welcome to WestLotto! As Germany's largest lottery operator, we guarantee a safe and serious gaming experience. Traditional values ​​are just as important to us as innovative ideas. Whether LOTTO 6aus49, Eurojackpot or scratch cards - when fulfilling our government mandate, the focus is on the needs of customers and player protection, both in the around 3,150 WestLotto acceptance points in North Rhine-Westphalia and on our online and mobile channels. In Münster, our currently 372 employees are highly motivated to make our customers' dreams come true. Zahlen und Fakten im Überblick - Unternehmenssitz: Münster - Mitarbeiterzahl: rd. 370 - angeschlossene Annahmestellen (NRW): rd. 3.150 - Lotterie- und Wetteinsatz (inkl. Gebühren) (2020): 1,78 Mrd. Euro - Auszahlung an Gewinner: rd. 844 Mio.Euro - taxes for the common good and state budget in NRW: 702.9 million Euro