Cloud&Heat Technologies GmbH

Since its foundation, the mission of Cloud&Heat Technologies has been to make sustainability and security as drivers of digital innovation. The Dresden-based company develops, builds and operates energy-efficient, scalable and secure data centers that meet the requirements of the future cloud. Private and public cloud solutions based on OpenStack are offered both as customised solutions for SMEs, such as the company’s Datacenter in a Box (DiaB) and Datacenter Container (DCC) products, as well as in the form of technology solutions for larger IT infrastructure players. Both business areas use Cloud&Heat’s innovative hot water direct cooling, which is highly efficient but also enables the re-use of the waste heat; water at a constant temperature of 60 degrees connects directly to building or district heating systems. Thereby, Cloud&Heat builds and operates the world's most energy- and cost-efficient data centres. The company already received numerous awards and counts some of the world’s leading corporations from Europe, Asia, and the US among its customers. Cloud&Heat is also actively defining the future of cloud computing through its participation in a number of consortia, such as AUDITOR and SecuStack.