Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW

The construction and real estate company North Rhine-Westphalia (BLB NRW) is the real estate company of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and owner of most state properties. It operates an economic real estate management and rents its buildings to the universities and the users from the state administration - police, financial administration, judiciary, correctional system and other state authorities and institutions. In addition, he builds in NRW on behalf of the federal government. With more than 2,500 experienced employees at eight locations and numerous customer and project offices, BLB NRW is a strong and reliable local partner. With his diverse work in all areas of building management, he contributes to to implement the construction and climate policy goals of North Rhine-Westphalia within the framework of the budgetary guidelines and to organize the land use efficiently by the state. It invests in a modern building infrastructure for the students, the state employees and the citizens of North Rhine-Westphalia and thus makes an important contribution to a liveable NRW. More about the BLB NRW: