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Wenn Sie Ihr Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften abgeschlossen haben, werden Sie sich wahrscheinlich fragen: "Wie geht es jetzt weiter?" Nun, zum Glück für Sie planen auch Millionen anderer Absolventen ihren nächsten Schritt. Aber die Sache ist die: Es gibt viel mehr Möglichkeiten für Sie, als Ihnen Ihre Familie und Freunde sagen. Was wäre, wenn ich Ihnen sagen würde, dass Sie mit Ihrem Wirtschaftsstudium in die wundersame Welt der Data...
When choosing a career option, everything feels 10x times harder and more confusing. You've just completed your physics degree, and now you're surfing through the internet, reading articles about making a career. Plus, you've already asked all your friends and family, everything you can.  What if we told you there was a third, much easier option? You'd jump on it instantly, wouldn't you? Introducing the spectacular option: data science!...
Wenn man sich für eine Karriereoption entscheidet, fühlt sich alles schwer und verwirrend an. Sie haben gerade Ihr Physikstudium abgeschlossen, und jetzt surfen Sie durch das Internet und lesen Artikel über den Berufseinstieg. Außerdem haben Sie bereits alle Ihre Freunde und Familie gefragt. Was wäre, wenn wir Ihnen sagen würden, dass es eine dritte, viel einfachere Möglichkeit gibt? Sie würden sich sofort darauf stürzen, nicht wahr? Wir...
Once you complete your degree program in Economics, you’ll probably wonder, ‘what next?’  Well, lucky for you, millions of other graduates are also planning their next step. But here’s the thing: there are a million many more options for you than the ones your family and friends are telling you. What if I told you, you could enter the wondrous world of data science with your economics degree? Unsure? Well, keep scrolling. We’re going to...
Use your extra time at home (and your data skills) for a good cause: Check out the  Kaggle  COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House and a coalition of leading research groups have prepared the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19). This dataset is a resource of over 29,000 scholarly articles, including over 13,000 with full text, about COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, and related...
For the past few years, tasks involving text and speech processing have become really hot-trendy. Among the various researches belonging to the fields of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, sentiment analysis ranks really high. Sentiment analysis allows identifying and getting subjective information from the source data using data analysis and visualization, ML models for classification, text mining and analysis. This helps to...
The way other people think about one or another product or service has a big impact on our everyday process of making decisions. Earlier, people relied on the opinion of their friends, relatives, or products and services reposts, but the era of the Internet has made significant changes. Today opinions are collected from different people around the world via reviewing e-commerce sites as well as blogs and social nets. To transform gathered...
For individuals, businesses and research institutes working with emerging technologies, it is important to follow and shape societal debates revolving around their field. Sooner or later, societal debates are likely to translate into political action, which may greatly impact work on emerging technologies – for better or worse. Also, if research institutes and businesses aim for more than research results and profit, they’re in a unique...