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Big data is growing exponentially. The amount of data available to businesses and organizations is constantly growing, with experts projecting that the world will be generating data at a rate of 463 exabytes per day  by 2025. This means that the data landscape will become even more saturated and complex than it already is. That’s precisely why the demand for skilled data scientists who can help companies process and extract value from...
Since the dawn of the digital age, the amount of data available to businesses and organizations has risen enormously. With growing servers full of data, the demand for the skill to 1) build the required infrastructure and 2) understand and analyze complex datasets has increased greatly . In October 2012, Thomas H. Davenport and DJ Patil were advertising data science as “ The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century ” in the Harvard Business...
Ten years ago Thomas Davenport and T. J. Patil were already advertising data science as “ The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century ” in the Harvard Business Review. Since then, a lot has changed in many areas of business pertaining to the use of data and data-driven insights. Over the last 10 years, more established companies invested in data infrastructure, data analytics and data science tools. At the same time, they need skilled people to...
Wenn man sich für eine Karriereoption entscheidet, fühlt sich alles schwer und verwirrend an. Sie haben gerade Ihr Physikstudium abgeschlossen, und jetzt surfen Sie durch das Internet und lesen Artikel über den Berufseinstieg. Außerdem haben Sie bereits alle Ihre Freunde und Familie gefragt. Was wäre, wenn wir Ihnen sagen würden, dass es eine dritte, viel einfachere Möglichkeit gibt? Sie würden sich sofort darauf stürzen, nicht wahr? Wir...
Companies have a growing demand to visualize their data with business intelligence tools. We compared the salaries from across 10 different European countries using   Glassdoor , which offers self-reported salary information by location and employer, giving us some key insights into the salaries of people with “Business Intelligence” in their job title. Switzerland with the highest salary for Business Intelligence There are few reliable...
Since the dawn of the digital age, the amount of data stored on servers has risen dramatically. More and more firms are looking for talent that can handle their datasets and generate insights for business decisions. Data scientists are among the most popular for this task. Google Trends shows that the global volume of the search term “Data Scientist” has tripled over the last 5 years - but how does the increasing demand translate into...
  Unternehmen haben einen wachsenden Bedarf an der Visualisierung ihrer Daten mit Business Intelligence-Tools. Wir haben die Gehälter aus 10 verschiedenen europäischen Ländern mit Glassdoor verglichen, das selbstberichtete Gehaltsinformationen nach Standort und Arbeitgeber anbietet, was uns einige wichtige Einblicke in die Gehälter von Menschen mit "Business Intelligence" in ihrer Berufsbezeichnung gibt. Schweiz mit dem höchsten Gehalt...
Since the dawn of the digital age, the amount of data stored on servers has risen dramatically. With this increase, more and more firms are looking for talent that can handle their datasets and generate insights for business decisions. Google Trends shows that the global volume of the search term “Data Analyst” nearly tripled over the last 5 years. How does the increasing demand translate into earnings of data analysts in Europe? We collected...
With the rise of the amount of data stored in servers, the demand has also risen for data engineers to help manage the vasts amount of data now available to us. Data Engineers are in high demand, and Google trends have shown that the global volume of the search term “Data Engineer” has tripled since 2014. More and more people are seeking skilled data engineers to help manage the vasts amount of data stored across the globe, and we collected...
Seit Beginn des digitalen Zeitalters sind die Datenmengen von Unternehmen enorm angestiegen. Mit wachsenden Servern voller Daten hat die Nachfrage nach der Fähigkeit, 1) die erforderliche Infrastruktur aufzubauen und 2) die Datensätze zu verstehen und zu analysieren, stark zugenommen. Thomas Davenport und T. J. Patil haben bereits 2012 in der Harvard Business Review Data Scientist als " The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century " angepriesen. Ihre...
DevOps combines software development, quality assurance and information technology operations. Over the past few years, the number of firms that are seeking out talent who can work at this crucial intersection is sharply rising. We looked at Google Trends to see how much the search term for “DevOps Engineer” had changed over time, and found that it has multiplied by six times since 2014. But how does the increase in demand translate into the...
Since the dawn of the digital age, the amount of data available to businesses has risen enormously. With growing servers full of data, the demand for the skill to 1) build the required infrastructure and 2) understand and analyze the datasets has greatly increased. In 2012, Thomas Davenport and T. J. Patil were already advertising data science as “ The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century ” in the Harvard Business Review. Their prediction has...